Welcome To Blog 2 - Southern Cross German Shepherd Rescue

Welcome To Blog 2 - Southern Cross German Shepherd Rescue: This blog will allow people to follow the stories of many dogs of the Southern Cross German Shepherd Rescue, especially when these dogs are in need. We invite you to join us and know that each view supports our mission!

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Friday, January 14, 2011

Surgery Date Delayed!

UPDATE FROM MARY ANN - We will keep everyone posted!

Over the weekend...Cheyenne developed coughing and labored breathing. She was immediately put on antibiotics which has helped with the cough...but by Wednesday she still had a wheezy breathing. It was decided that a meeting with the surgeon prior to surgery was in order. So..a meeting with the surgeon on Thursday morning was arranged. He thoroughly examined her........

...looked at me...and said...Nope...not happening today. "I hear distinct wheezing and am not comfortable with her undergoing surgery". He likened it to someone with asthma...although she doesn't have that. He said he is not worried about the surgery part of this at all...that it will be easy and fast...but he worries about her health being kicked over the edge due to going through surgery in this condition. He said....I always tell people that bring in animals who are sick...I can easily fix that fracture...but do you want your animal to die because of that surgery? He has put her on a bronchodilator...and she is to stay on all the other meds she is currently on. He wants to re-eval her in one week (our appt. is Friday of next week at 10:30). If he feels that she is on the right path due to this treatment plan...he will have us continue for one more week...then operate.
Cheyenne was so relieved...and dragged me out the door (I had to drag her IN the door). I have to say...so was I...my gut told me there was reason for concern...and I am so grateful to have such an excellent surgeon...who was on the same page!!!!

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